I received a rooted clipping from a plant that was in the window of a Thai restaurant I frequent. The owner said she forgot the name of the plant. Her plant had long flowers, which she stated only open during a full moon; I cannot verify this fact. I've searched all over the Internet for this plant to no avail. I've had it for over 5 years and can start new additions with part of the stalk or from the leaves. The original plant was one shoot. Can you please help me identify my unusual and exotic house plant? My sincerest gratitude. Have a wonderful day.
The common one - frequently asked about on the internet - that looks like this is Epiphyllum oxypetalum.
My sincerest gratitude to you, Ron B! I've had the opportunity to research the plant and also learned why it hadn't bloomed. I'll be repotting this spring and shall gift parts of the plant out to some special friends. The woman who gave me my starter said it came from an original plant which was over 100 years old. I'm truly honored. Thanks again.