A friend of mine decided to get rid of some of her plants. Some were well taken care or and others not so much! In order to figure out how to fix these plants I need to know what they are. Thank you! Ok I added a close up of number 3. Number 2s leaves are squishy,and very shiny. Its almost like they have gel in them. And I have no clue what it is.
#2 looks like wandering sailor which is also sometimes called wandering jew. #4 looks like a hoya. They all look very happy and healthy! Margaret
#1 Calathea amabilis Prayer plant #5 looks like Kalanchoe daigremontiana or Mother of 10,000. See this thread for info. Harry
I have a Wandering Jew and the second picture isn't one. And also number 3 I think is suppose to be green not yellow I have had it almost 2 months and it was white when I got it and with the help of some 20-20-20 its slowly turning yellow and showing new growth!
#2 Many plants of the Tradescantia genus are known as 'wandering jew'. Check out this species Tradescantia fulminensis also known as 'wandering sailor' for comparison to your plant. Harry
#3 Can't make out the foliage in the picture. If you could get a closeup of the leaves, that might help in identification. Harry
#2 is a Wandering Jew .. and #4 is a Hoya .. ya might want to google through some pics to find out exactly wich one it is ..for the Hoya .. Marion
Thanks for adding the close up of number three. I think Junglekeeper's Hatiora salicornioides is correct. Harry