Hi everyone, I'm trying to identify a houseplant I have so that I can care for it appropriately. Can you please look at the pictures below and let me know what type of plant it is and how should I water it? Thanks a lot, Jason http://img167.imageshack.us/my.php?image=imgp8363iu9.jpg http://img167.imageshack.us/my.php?image=imgp8361vc7.jpg http://img101.imageshack.us/my.php?image=imgp8360vm7.jpg
Google ficus tree and search images I think that it what it is, if so it requires minimal water (stick finger in soil 1" if moist don't water) and when air is dry mist it once or twice a day. but definitely google ficus images it looks tall and that is a popular tall tree like plant also if it is a ficus and the leaves turn yellow hold back on water a little as that is a sign of overwatering
Yellowing ficus leaves can also be a sign of underwatering. I let my (Ficus benjamina) dry down from the top a little more than usual and I lost between 15-20 leaves that turned a bright yellow and dropped off. You just have to find a happy medium on the watering, with a little less in winter.