Someone bought this into our Plant and Insect Clinic for identification. He says it appeared this summer and is currently about 7 feet tall. The leaves are velvety, and has a small yellow flower. The seed pod is visible. We thought Hollyhock, but no sure.
These are considered to be weeds! They usually take more nutrients from the surrounding plants (or so I've read) I'm kinda disappointed I have one growing and I though oh what an interesting flower. I got it from a neighbors house, it was in a pot outside filled with cigarette butts. I thought I should save that plant! when I looked it up I thought it was Abutilon sonneratianum but the leaves look a little different on that plant which is native to Zimbabwe so... I thought I had something awesome! I'm an amature as you can tell :-D! Also mine is only about 3 ft tall yours is very tall. I kinds feel like this plant love a lot of water too its in a pot that doesn't drain, but when it rains it flourishes!