Identification: Please help! I need to know what this plant is!

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by guinness1982, Feb 9, 2009.

  1. guinness1982

    guinness1982 Member

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    lapeer michigan
    I have had this plant for about 2 years, when I first got it it was very healthy, but about 6 months ago a friend knocked it over and I lost three other parts to it and since it has struggled. I need to know what it is so I can help it. I love this plant, please help does anyone know what it is and the best way to care for it?

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  2. Chungii V

    Chungii V Active Member

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    Hervey Bay Australia zone 10/11
    Aglaonema commutatum it needs humidity and occasional watering don't keep it too wet as they prefer the soil to dry somewhat between waterings. Try misting it every couple of days to simulate a humid environment.
  3. guinness1982

    guinness1982 Member

    Likes Received:
    lapeer michigan
    I also have it sitting next to a heater vent in my house (live in michigan) is that ok for it to? I thought it might like the heat.
  4. aesir22

    aesir22 Active Member

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    durham - england
    The vent will warm the air, and make it drier than a desert...literally. I know nothing about this plant, but if it likes humidity, next to the heater is the worse possible place for it and will kill it eventually. Move it to another location with plenty of light and sit it on a gravel tray.
  5. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    definitely should NOT be near the heater vent!!!!! that will dry it out completely too, too much!!!

    move it to another location away from the air blowing directly on it and put the pot on a tray that has pebbles/small rocks in it and keep the tray filled with water - that will keep the area immediately around the plant more humid. also, spritz it with water daily - at least until it's back on its feet and then you can pare back on that to every few days or weekly.

    what kind of soil do you have it in? does the container have drainage holes in it?
  6. guinness1982

    guinness1982 Member

    Likes Received:
    lapeer michigan
    It's in regular potting mix and the pot has draining holes in it. I moved it away from the heater. Im new at the house plant thing but now that im learning how to take care of them I keep loking for new ones to buy. I think its going to be my new hobby.
  7. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    lol, it's not just a hobby; it can easily become an addiction!!! (speaks from experience ;) )

    and this time of year it's so easy to get pulled in since the stores are just now starting to gear up for the warm weather and are getting more stock in...

    choose just a handful of plants and get used to them - see what is workable for you, in particular - before going overboard. some plants are almost fool-proof and others require more stringent care/, it's a lot of trial and error. expect to lose a few things here and there and be willing to try the same thing again...sometimes it takes a couple tries to get things just right for certain plants...

    lol, i'm STILL trying to successfully grown 'purple passion' (going on 30 years now). i just LOVE them and they just don't want to thrive for too long under my care...i keep trying, though. i give them what they need - right soil, water, light...they just haven't (yet) thrived for me.

    other plants are SO easy/carefree that it's pretty hard to mess it up...cacti and other succulents, for example thrive on neglect; aroids are also very easy-care and hardy - they need regular/steady attention unlike orchids which are pretty particular in their needs.

    so, experiment with a few different things and see what you like and what does well for you...and do lots of research - this site is FULL of good info - and, once you find a particular type of plant that you really like and does well for you, you can get more focused and do different varieties of the same thing.
  8. guinness1982

    guinness1982 Member

    Likes Received:
    lapeer michigan
    yes I can see how it can become an addiction lol, Ive been to the store 4 times in the last 4 days and every time I see a new plant I'm wanting to get it (haven't yet boyfriend wont let me till I get this one under control lol) but I also have a ponytail palm that I LOVE almost lost it last year but its doing a lot better after I found this website and some people helped me. I do love this site I wish I knew it wa here a long time ago. so one more question about re rooting this plant how do I promote the new roots from the new stem? and how do I know it ready to be planted? thank you so much for all your help!!
  9. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    you can put the cut cane right into the soil - some say to do it upright and others say to lay it on the side. i've only done it upright. i've also rooted them in water.

    i've never treated them with anything and they seem to root fairly easily. you can dip the end in rooting hormone powder if you wish, though - certainly won't hurt!

    i agree, this is a fabulous site - great info available all over the place and wonderful, friendly and helpful people here, too!
  10. guinness1982

    guinness1982 Member

    Likes Received:
    lapeer michigan
    A few of the leaves ar kind of droopy like 4 of them and they feel soft and thin, the soil is damp but it ws watered recently so I dont think it needs water. cause the rest of the leaves are fine its just these 4.
  11. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    do you mean the cut piece has droopy leaves? that's not unusual until the roots start to form and the plant is taking in nutrients again.

    if you haven't done any cutting yet and it's just one of the basic plants, it could just be that it was over-watered the last time you gave it a drink and it should clear up as the soil continues to dry out. or there could be root-rot going - especially if it's been overwatered more than once in a row. keep an eye on it for a few days (as the soil dries out) and if it's not looking better and feeling firmer, then pull that one out (gently!) and take a look at the roots - could be that there's some rot happening - which you can tell by the way the roots will be brown/black and/or mushy. if that is the case, then cut the roots off and feel the base of the cane where the roots were and continue doing small cuts until you get rid of all the soft/mushy part and then pop the cut piece in the soil and let it root.
  12. guinness1982

    guinness1982 Member

    Likes Received:
    lapeer michigan
    thank you so much your a BIG help, I'll let you know how it goes.
  13. Blake09

    Blake09 Active Member

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    Keep us posted on pictures as it gows :) :) :}
  14. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

    Likes Received:
    philly, pa, usa 6b
    yes, please post some pics later so we can see how it's doing!!
  15. guinness1982

    guinness1982 Member

    Likes Received:
    lapeer michigan
    I bought some Gordon's Jumpshot plant starter 3*10*3 with Vitamin B-1 says for use on: flowers vegetables house plants and trees and shrubs. On the directions it says to poor directly tothe potting mix so did that. (Its a liquid) Have you ever used this (I bought it at our tractor supply CO. here in town. Have you ever heard of it or used it, or better yet do you think it was ok to use on this plant....I hope so im trying everything.

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