Please Help, I need the names of these plants. Iam putting together a Landscaping software program for landscapers. Please see attatchments. Thank you for the help!
#5 looks like "Leopard Plant", a cultivar of Ligularia. a link here:
What I believe these are: I agree with Michael on #1 Podocarpus (in addition, probably Strelitzia reginae) #2. Looks like Metrosideros excelsus to me. #3. Do you know if this one is a vine? #5. agree, Farfugium japonicum 'Aureomaculata' (prev. Ligularia tussilaginea) #6 & 7 are not Pieris, as it doesn't have toothed leaves, but I have no suggestions. #8. Thevetia peruviana (syn. T. neriifolia)