Hi, and thanks, I have this plant and I will like to know what types is, smell very nice, I will like to know the properties too. thansk this are the pictures,of the plants i want to know about THANKS!!!
Hi,can somebody tell me how to make roots from this plant ,I just have it in Some water ,just the stalk with some leaves, I see someone Keep them in a jar with water and the roots start to grow,my haven't Start yet is a trick to it?thanks again.
Some plants will root if left in water--not sure about that one. You can always try some root hormone (available from a garden centre.) I usually root plants in a sterile medium and enclose the cutting in a plastic bag or small container to create a moist environment. It would probably be better to get a new shoot of the plant if you can, or at least make a fresh cut.
When you root them do they fresh cold water Or warm ,do you need to change the water everyday or Never until they start to root them
Only certain plants will actually root well in water. Water should be at room temperature. Water will become stagnant and lacking dissolved oxygen over time. Plants that successfully root in water, usually are quick, easy rooting plants or are plants that tolerate soggy roots. I am not sure, but I would expect roots on Geranium cuttings within a few weeks time.