These photos are all taken atYuquan,Harbin, Heilongjiang Province,Northeast China 15 Days ago. Any one interested in identifying them?
On the first set of photos #5 Corydalis, #6 Polygonatum. On the second set of photos #1, 2 & 5 are Paris.
Just a note: the id number is on the image. just move your pointer over the image to get the id number. Good to see Eastern USA type plants in China!
#DSCN7071 is a Maianthemum(Smilacina). Couldn't narrow it down but here is an admittedly incomplete list from the Chinese Flora at eFlora. (Could be talking Taiwan here and not Replublic of China. Only did a cursory search.) This site has some photos of some of those listed. From my very short seach, possibly M. dahurica, or M. forrestii? Was unable to locate photos for all the plants listed and found others not listed so the actual species name is still in question. DSCN7079 is an Iris. 94 choices here. Click on the list entries to usually get a description and links to other databases info on the species. List contains locations (provences) at the end of each description, and flower color is usually in the description. I would use that to narrow down the possibilities. Then do a Gooogle image search on the botanic names for photo comparison. Some of the experts here might have more knowledge and might be able to place a name to it directly. Harry
#DSCN7079 Iris subdichotoma? NOT!-wrong province- sorry Description, photo. Here is a list of Iris species whose color even remotely matches your photo, said to be found in Heilongjiang. (- probably not, + maybe) Again the list might not be complete and some varieties had no description, but found photos for most of those and they did not seem to fit. My guess would be I. uniflora var. carinosa but that would be a guess. I. ensata - I. lactea - I. laevigata - I. mandshurica - (no picture found but description says it's bearded, so no) I. ruthenica + I. sanguinea - I. tenuifolia +- I. tigridia + I. uniflora + I. ventricosa - Harry
#DSCN7032 Glechoma hederacea? If not, a close relative? Found Chinese url that seems to be similar to one of our noxious weed web pages with G. hederacea as it's focus. Harry
13057 Glechoma hederacea L. var. longituba Nakai Labiatae 连钱草(Lian qian cao )or 活血丹(huo xie dan) in Chinese 13058 Hylomecon japonica (Thunb.) Prantl et Kundig Papaveraceae 荷青花 (he qing hua) 13059 Cardamine leucantha (Tausch) O. E. Schulz Cruciferae 白花碎米荠 (bai hua sui mi ji) 13060 Pseudostellaria japnica (Korsh.) Pax Caryophyllaceae 毛假繁缕 (mao jia fan lv ) 13061 Corydalis pallida (Thunb.) Pers. Papaveraceae (in Engler's system) 珠果紫堇 (zhu guo zi jin) 13062 Smilacina japonica A. Gray Liliaceae 鹿药 (lu yao) 13063 Iris uniflora Ker-Gawl. ! Iridaceae 单花鸢尾 (dan hua yuan wei) 13064 Adoxa moschatellina L. Adoxaceae 五福花 (wu fu hua) 13065 Eranthis stellata Maxim. Ranunculaceae 菟葵 (tu kui) 13066 Paeonia japonica (Makino) Miyabe et Takeda Paeoniaceae 山芍药 (shan shao yao ) Harry helped me a lot ! Thanks
Glad to be of help. Have you had any luck narrowing down the picture in the supplement with the 6 white/green tepals? Do the large leaves belong to it? Or is it a monocot coming up amongst something else? I looked a little bit yesterday, but hard to make out the flower parts. Also part of your thanks goes to Ron B. as he id'd a Glechoma hederacea just a couple of days ago and I took a close look at it then. :) Harry