Good Morning; I love Liard Hot Springs, for so many different reasons, one of which is the plethora of flowers along the board walk. I have attached pictures of 3 different flowers that I took, on June 25th, 2016. Could you please identify the flowers and provide me with the names of the flowers. I thank you in advance.
Imnotyou3, the middle photo reminded me of Pyrola; and P. asarifolia, as shown on the E-Flora BC Atlas page, seems to be very similar.
The first is likely Streptopus amplexifolius E-Flora BC Atlas Page Agree with the second, Pyrola asarifolia, E-Flora BC Atlas Page Third is tough. It looks like a still-in-development inflorescence of something in the Apiaceae. Without the leaves at the base of the plant, I don't think I can figure that one out.
With additional photos sent by email, the last seems to be Sanicula marilandica E-Flora BC Atlas Page
Thank you for your speedy reply. Indeed, I believe that correctly identified the flower. Thank you for your interest. Sincerely,
Thank you Daniel, for your time to identify the flower and provide links for me to learn more. I have been to Liard Hot Springs numerous time, and I suggest going in mid June to benefit from the resplendent display of the multiple variety's of plants in blossom. Again, thank you for your speedy reply and identification of the third picture. Keep up your good work and website management, for us. Sincerely,