I know there are a lot of plants that prefer morning sun and afternoon shade, but are there any that prefer just the opposite? Morning shade and hot afternoon sun? I would like to place a trellis at the front of my house on the north/west corner. Would any kind of clematis grow there perhaps? Thx.
So many heat loving vines o choose from... keep the base of your vines in shade, to prevent heat scald/burn and dry out...evergreen Clematis armandii, blooms in March...sweet fragrance! Be sure to visit your local nursery and they will let you know when the appropriate stock is available, and how to care for them.
Such places are specially good for warmth-loving plants with frost-prone flowers such as sasanqua camellias. There they get the extra heat they want but the flowers are shaded during frosty mornings, when they might otherwise be damaged by quick thawing during sunny mornings.
Karen, this is a lovely clematis. I would love to have this one. Thank you for your suggestion. Ron, is the sasanqua camellias a shrub or a vine? Does it require a trellis or something? Is it easy to care for? I found it on Google. It's gorgeous. I think it might be a shrub? I think I will research this further. Sure is beautiful. Thank you.
You can buy them at outlets here already trained on a trellis, as well as free-standing. Like the Camellia japonica and C. x williamsii cultivars sasanqua camellias make tall tree-like shrubs over time, when not grown fanned out on a surface.
I am partial to C. sasanqua 'Fukuzutsumi', sold here as 'Apple Blossom' - the latter cultivar name used for several different camellias.