Hey there plant enthusiasts, I recently inherited a desk plant (that I'm trying to save), and found myself inspired to flex my green thumb. I'm definitely a beginner, so I'm not sure which types of plants would be good 'starter plants'. Any ideas? Thanks!!!
Where will your plants be growing?---light, bright or dim; warm, cool; damp, dry? In general I'd say the good old Sansevieria, which will survive with practically no care...perhaps a philodendron or pothos. What is the plant you mentioned in you post? Show us a photo!
Although there a few beginner, or easy plants, I second getting a pothos, 'Epipremnum aureum' and or a spider plant, 'Chlorophytum comosum.' That is, IF you can provide the right environment/light they need.
And here I'd be saying Dieffenbachia (Dumb cane), Chlorophytum (Spider plant), or Spathyphyllum (Peace Lily) for broadleaves, and Crassula (Jade plant), Aloe vera or Aloe arborescens, and Schlumbergera (Chrismas cactus) for succulents.
Aglaonema seem to be pretty forgiving if forgotten about then there's the Zamiaculcus zamiafolia or (ZZ plant as it's known), it gets sold for it's resilience.
I actually posted a separate thread about my dying plant. There is a pic of the poor thing here: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=48123 As for the type of environment the future plant will be growing in, I'd say def on the dry side (I'm in Colorado). It would also be about room temp and probably pretty dim. I'm not sure how direct the sunlight can get in my house. I'm definitely aiming for a 'flexible' type plant (I'm learning that I have a tendency to over-water). When I go to pick up supplies for my sick plant, I'd like to pick up a brand spankin' new healthy one. So thanks for your suggestions!