Today I received in the mail a "size 2" (2x1.5) Seriyu, Peaches & Cream & Fireglow. They came balled wrapped in plastic. My question is - how should I care for them till I plant them, hopefully this weekend. Should I temporarily open the ball and put them in individual containers or will they be OK for a few days left untouched. They were shipped on the 19th so they have been in this state for 3 days. This is my first mail order experience and I am a newbie to most of this. Any advice would be helpful. Thank you very much. ~RJJ
They should be fine til the weekend....only the rootball is wrapped in plaastic, right? If the entire plant is wrapped, definitely open! Place in a shady location in a small container to keep them upright. Good luck!
Yes, only the ball is wrapped in plastic. Do they need any water from now till then. And thank you very much.