Planting Onions 2007 Zone 5.

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by Durgan, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. Durgan

    Durgan Contributor 10 Years

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    Brantford,Ontario, Canada
    Planting Onions 2007.

    29 March 2007 Zone 5. Onions are put in as soon at the ground can be worked. The end of the garden chosen was sufficiently dry to cultivate; so four, twelve foot rows of onions were planted. Two rows of Red Onions,and two rows of Spanish White Onions, about 200 bulbs total were planted. Th board was used to prevent compacting the soil when on the knees planting the onion bulbs.

    The small Honda cultivator was used to condition the soil.

    Neena, a Pomeranian, got her hair clipped yesterday, and showed an interest in all the proceedings. Garden Journal 2007 Zone 5.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2007
  2. Acoma

    Acoma Active Member

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    Reno, Nevada Zone 6A
    Durgan, with the frozen ground of late April, you find no problem tilling, then planting the onions? I just purchased onion and garlic bulbs, onion stating to plant Sept-Nov. for 5-7, and for the garlic to be planted between Feb-May (zone 5-7). Since we are in the same zone pocket, I was going to plant my onion early October, then plant the garlic in early March. Give me some ideas of this for the frozen tundra of Reno, NV:)
  3. JanR

    JanR Active Member

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    Lakeland, Manitoba
    I am surprised that Reno is a Zone 5. I would think that it would be a quite different Zone 5 than the one in Ontario. With onions it is the day length more than the zone that determines how you grow onions and which culitivars you grow. I would look to local advise as when to plant your onions. As long as you bought the onions locally, I would think that they would be the appropriate variety.
  4. Durgan

    Durgan Contributor 10 Years

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    Brantford,Ontario, Canada
    You are over 4000 feet in elevation but in Zone 5. I am about 800 feet and Zone 5. I suspect there may be a difference in growing conditions. The Zone doesn't tell the complete story. At best it is a guide.

    Garlic I plant in October about the fifteenth. My bed is prepared now. Garlic starts growing shoots almost as soon s the snow disappears in very early Spring. I harvest about the first of July. Summary: Garlic Growing Experience.

    I never plant onions in the Fall, but as early as possible in the Spring.There may be over-wintering onions, but I usually only grow the green multiplier type 7 July 2008 Multiplier onions, and large so called Spanish onions, Summary: Onion Growing experience, and now and then I may grow some of the purple type. Usually I plant bulbs, but have had success with the seedlings.
  5. Acoma

    Acoma Active Member

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    Reno, Nevada Zone 6A
    Jan, you are right. With Reno, some areas are zone 5, some are 6. I am in the foothills of Reno where I could get a foot of snow and the valley would get 3 inches. The local nursery where I bout them said to plant them both in late fall, accordingly. I am going to confirm with a 2nd local opion. We are still in the 80's right now, with nights in the upper 40's. I am tilling the soil today. After that, I plan to organize my locations for next years crop, and fall's bulbs.

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