I have many apples/apricots/peaches-necs/pears/grapes/cherries/kiwis/rasberries sitting in pots. I just bought land with limited irrigation access, it's z6a I believe (Pemberton BC), I'm wondering if I can plant them with good success this fall, or would it be better to wait until spring. I am storing them in Vancouver. Thanks.
Hello there, The fall is probably the best time to plant out your trees, canes, and vines because it will allow them to settle in a bit and possibly perform better in the coming spring than if you left them in pots over the winter. One major reason for planting them out this fall would be frost worries, because the soil will freeze much less deeply than the pots would, but if you leave them all in Vancouver over the winter, frost is unlikely to be an issue. However, it is perfectly possible to plant them out in the spring as well, since that is the time of year that is recommended for any tree moving or transplanting. Hope that helps! Regards, UBC Hortline
I too have just bought some land in the Pemberton area and have Googled, many times, and with many different variations for some information on growing fruit trees and grapes in the Pemberton, BC area. There doesn't seem to be any info out in cyberspace on this topic, which surprises me. If anyone knows of a site I can go to regarding growing grapes I would appreciate it. Thanks to the first question I now know what zone its in, z6a? Thanks.