planting birch trees in Vancouver B.C.

Discussion in 'Woody Plants' started by andrew stasik, Nov 25, 2007.

  1. andrew stasik

    andrew stasik Member

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    darien, ct. USA
    I am thiniking of planting a few young birch trees in my garden which is on a hill over-looking the city in the distance. There is any early morning sun, shade after noon. Can trees bve planted in December? If not, what is the best time of year to plant the trees? Do birch trees do well in Vancouver soil and climate? Thanks for your reply.
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    >There is any early morning sun, shade after noon<

    Full sun for best development of popular white-barked species, in nature these are pioneer trees popping up after fire or other disturbance.

    >Can trees bve planted in December?<

    Most birch are very hardy, tolerating much greater cold than will be seen in Vancouver.

    >Do birch trees do well in Vancouver soil and climate?<

    Commonly planted and also native (in the form of northwestern paper birch). Groves of birch trees are a feature of lands bordering the freeway south of Vancouver as well as some Vancouver and vicinity parks.

    Of those seen in nurseries European birch, Himalayan birch and Heritage = 'Cully' river birch are great favorites, much planted. However, Chinese red birch may be the most exciting, with pink and even red shades shown by young stems of some clones. This last is less prevalent but may be found with some looking. Any of these may be expected to make large specimens in time; depending on soil conditions it may become diffficult to maintain underplanting beneath them after they have formed a mat of thirsty roots (Schenk, THE COMPLETE SHADE GARDENER assigns a 15 year useful span to birches, after which they start playing less well).
  3. jimmyq

    jimmyq Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada.
    also keep and eye out for BBB (bronze birch borer). I think most of the problems locally with birch are moisture related, make sure to supply adequate water during dry periods and you will likely do fine.
  4. andrew stasik

    andrew stasik Member

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    darien, ct. USA
    I very much appreciate your reply. What is the best time of the year to plant small birch in my garden Thanks, again Andy
  5. andrew stasik

    andrew stasik Member

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    darien, ct. USA
    Thanks for your reply. What is the best time of the year to plant birch? Can I do so in December? Andy S

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