We had an apple tree which was growing nicely and producing fruit . We had a house built which involved landscaping the front yard . The contactor built a circular rock wall 3' in diameter around the tree and 3' high , just under the branches . It came to the level of the yard . It eventually died . The birds have enjoyed it for the past 4 years as a perch . Yesterday I cut the trunck off near the bottom of the hole . The question is : Do I remove all the rocks or can I get away with only removing a foot or so . My wife seems to think the roots will grow outwards and through the rocks . Any suggestions ? The local nursery seem to think all the rocks should be removed . We live on Saltspring Island and plan to plant a King Apple . Thanks for any advice . Roger
Plant without rocks in the way of the new roots. You should also remove the stump before planting a new tree. The old tree died because it was buried, as you have found out wells around the trunks of trees do not prevent the roots from being killed by fills. The optimum situation to aim for now is no rocks, stump or hole in the ground. Check pollination requirements of your apple before planting. Apples require cross-pollination to bear well.
Thanks Ron B . I managed to get all the rocks out . I even cut and dug out the root . All we have to find now is another apple tree and fill in the hole which has grown in size . The local island nursery seems to be having trouble finding a King . Thanks again for the nudge . Roger
Hi Roger; Another name for King apple is King of Tompkins County. Siloam orchards has it http://www.siloamorchards.com/ Did you check with harry Burton at Apple Luscious. He ahs a good collection of apples http://www.appleluscious.com/orchard/varieties.html It might be hard to find a tree. Cheers Kim Maser nafex.org
Hi Tim. We contacted another local nursery and they had a King and a couple of other trees to help in pollination . Apparently they should have been ordered in the fall for spring planting . Next project is to build a carport pergola and one for the porch . Thanks. Roger