In going through my seed collection I'm came across an unmarked envelope of seeds. So I started the seeds and I'm stumped as to what this plant is that came up. This little plant so far is just about 1 month old and is about 6" high. Any ideas are appreciated.
Not a Bauhinia, I think, as the leaves appear to be doubly compound, with primary leaflets further subdivided into (mostly) 2 leaflets. As seedlings grow you may find successive leaves have more leaflets. It's certainly a legume and probably in the mimosoid subfamily, though this pattern is also seen in the caesalpinioids. One mimosoid genus in which some species have only 2 leaflets per primary pinna is Calliandra, but it would be a big step to say that's what it is.
Looks like Pithecellobium dulce (Fabaceae) to me. Common names Manilla Tamarind or Madras Thorn. The white aril is eaten in some places.