plant wont flower

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by Bets, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. Bets

    Bets Member

    Likes Received:
    Souris Manitoba
    My mom in law has a hoya (wax plant) and it has never flowered. It aolso seems to be stunted in its growth. Is there something I can do to help it along? Thanks
  2. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    hoya can take years to bloom and, if the penducles are removed by mistake/accident, then you'll have to wait even longer for new ones to form.

    is the plant in a small sized container? they like to be more than a bit rootbound. also, the soil should be very well-draining. a mix of orchid bark, regular soil and some peat and perlite is good - retains a bit of moisture, not too much though, and allows for quick drainage of excess water. water when dryish - not completely dry.

    lighting should be mostly bright indirect...some direct morning sun is okay and southern exposure is really good.

    i've had a krimson queen for almost 4 years now and not a penducle in has developed the long stem that the penducles will eventually form on though, so, blooms should happen some time in the near future :)

    hoya flowers are worth the wait.

  3. Bets

    Bets Member

    Likes Received:
    Souris Manitoba
    Thank you Jocyln. Moms is a hoya carnosa. I used to have a beautiful one so maybe I can help it along. I do know hers is very rootbound, so theres a good thing. Maybe I can get her to put it in a south window too.
    The one I had started dieing so I took all the dead growth off. After I did that it killed the rest of it too. Maybe I can save moms with your info. Thanks again

  4. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    rootbound is good. when was the last time it was repotted?? if more than 2 years ago, that's the first thing i'd do. the soil loses nutrients over time and even with fertilizing, it's just not the same for the plants as being in good healthy soil is!!

    you're welcome and good luck with it!!

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