Could someone please tell me the name of this plant? I received it from a friend 2 years ago, it was 6-8" in height, it may of had a flower. Last fall I transplanted it, since then it just keeps on growing, 4 feet or more now but no sign of any flowers. This site is a wealth of knowledge! I love it. Thanks, Nat
I concur. We have one that looks just like that. It looks like it's trying to get more light. You might want to try giving it better lighting conditions. Just keep it out of direct sun light. They don't like it.
Thank you both. I've moved this to other locations and it didn't seem to like it. It grows well where it is however it's now to big. I will try to find another location with light but no direct sunlight. Will this flower? I'm off to search ... Thanks much, Nat