Hi folks, This plant was in my gut flower bouquet. The purple is spray paint, so don't let that throw you off. But I've never seen a plant with flowers coming out of the middle of the leaf. Any ideas? Thanks, Brad
Having flowers coming out of the middle of a leaf is called "epiphylly". I only remember seeing that on one plant, and these leaf margins don't match. I see that Bougainvillea spectabilis can do this. (Floral development of Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd., Boerhaavia diffusa L. and Mirabilis jalapa L. (Nyctaginaceae)). I can't tell from this photo if that's what this is or not and I have no idea whether the epiphylletic (is that the adjective?) flowers would look like the normal ones. And I don't know how many other plants are in the running for doing this. It's not clear to me in the photo even whether these leaves are opposite or alternate (if Bougainvillea, they would be alternate). I'm only not ruling out Bougainvillea because the leaf margins are similar.
Oh good, Junglekeeper got in while I was typing. I see that Ruscus aculeatus flowers are "borne singly in the centre of the cladodes", from Wikipedia, which does not have much else to say about this plant. Cladodes are pretty interesting to read about.
I've found these fascinating to read about before, when a green sprig was in a florist's bouquet. Pretty sure they are Ruscus. "Epiphylly, which occurs in Bougainvillea spectabilis, is the result of ontogenetic displacement resulting from the activity of an intercalary meristem at the base of the floral bract and the floral bud." This is the pertinent quote from Wendy's citation. Now I have to take out my field loupe for every boug I pass, haha. Ruscus hypoglossum This link shows one example of Ruscus hypglossum, but there are a few species.