This plant is growing wild in near the sheds and I have no clue what it is. My dogs want to eat the berries and they are full of seeds. So what is it?
Solanum of some sort, perhaps S. americanum. Probably poisonous, though dogs can eat some things safely that would harm people (and vice-versa).
Thanks and thats what it is. On plants for a future says that they are half edible if ripe.None ripe are toxic and its been known for death it said. . My dogs should be fine with the ripe black ones.
In mid to northern US, there are several Solanum similar to S. Americanum, some more poisonous than others. Not sure they are found in Ontario, though. One page suggested removal to be safe, unless absolutely sure of the identification. Having said that Michael usually is pretty close if not spot on, even with a guess. :) Harry