I bought this plant at Lowes with a general label of Succulent. It's a house plant. It has a bulbous trunk, fuzzy leaves, yellow 5-lobed funnel-shaped flowers. When you touch it to remove spent flowers and leaves it has rather unpleasant smell like some of the plants in nightshade family do. Please, help me ID it. Thanks.
It does look similar, but I thinks is different. The overall structure of the plant is not the same. There is no mention of Proboscidea althaeifolia having a bulb-like stem and the flowes on mine come out from underneath the leaves and have very short stalk. Flowers are not as showy and frilly.
I did a search on Proboscidea (mostly all about elephants) and I stongly feel that my plant belongs to this genus, though I could not find an exact match. Thanks again Chris for ponting me in the right direction. I am going to call it Devil's Claw for now. I wish my plant will make seeds - that would be the way to verify it - but though it flowers profusely all summer it never makes any. I even tryed to be a bee myself and transfer some pollen to a pistil to no avail.
Please note EDITED post Uncarina roeoesliana is probably more correct. Sorry for the confusion. Chris