Plant problems and interrogations(ORCHID AND OTHERS)

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by sarajane, Mar 31, 2007.

  1. sarajane

    sarajane Member

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    well i had this orchid for about 2 years and its had flowers like 2-3 times and its been quite a while now since its had some worried that i have done things wrong not really sure how to really care for it...( pictures :1-2-3)

    as for my papyrus its been growing a bit...but a few weeks from now it started to have dryed yellow leaves more often i was wondering what should i do??( pictures:4-5)

    ok soo....third i have this eucalyptus it really looks kinda sad ..i dont whats hapenning to it (picture: 6)

    i also have this kind of plant that looks tropical to me im not sure what its name is and i was wondering if i should transplant it soon....a couple of months ago it was almost dead it only had a leaf left but for some reason it started growing a lot of new leaves and now its gotten a lot better ..i really like this plant and i would like to know what i can do to care for it...(pictures: 7-8-9)

    LAST i have this lemon tree on my dining table in the kitchen and i was wondering if i had to trim it ???
    it used to have spiders but i treated it with an appropriate product and now its fine ..(pictures:10-11)

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  2. globalist1789

    globalist1789 Active Member

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    Your orchid looks great, what's the matter with it?

    The papyrus looks good too, just get in there with some clippers and cut out the brown stuff.

    #6 is an Aloe. Lots of light and let the soil dry out completely between waterings.

    7-8-9 is a palm of some kind, I think.

    The lemon tree would like to be slowly moved outside as the weather permits.

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