dear sir/madam, hi. my name is hui li and i am a graduate student from Malaysia University of Science and Technology, Malaysia. i am now doing a project on analysis of horizontal gene transfer in plant host and parasite by using phylogenetic analysis. from the results i obtained, surprisingly there might be some gene transfer between non host-parasite pairs of plants as listed below: 1. Pedicularis foliosa (hemiparasite) and Glechoma hederacea (host) 2. Pedicularis foliosa (hemiparasite) and Vitex quinata (host) 3. Eubrachion ambiguum (hemiparasite) and Chrysobalanus icaco (host) 4. Opilia sp. (hemiparasite) and Arctostaphylos 5. Heisteria parvifolia (hemiparasite) and Liquidambar formosana (host) i am not sure what is the relationship of above pairs of plant. i would be very glad if you can please help me to answer the following questions: 1. Are the pairs of plant above parasite and host? 2. Do they have the same habitat? 3. Or where can they be found generally? i would be thankful for your kind advice and help. i am looking forward for your reply. thank you yours sincerely, huili ho