I can't Identify this Philodendron Climbing Type, it's very similar to the Panduraforme but it's much diferrent. Someone has any link for this Plant I want to know more about it Thanks Paulo
Could also be Philodendron elegans perhaps?? Do you have a photo of the plant in situ? To be sure we will probably need a photo of the spathe and spadix, or "flower" Ed
i'd lean towards p. elegans. it would be best to see the whole plant as well as the spathe/spadix if it's possible, though, to be absolutely sure.
Thanks Thank's for your help It's nearly similar to Philodendron Laciniatum,as you can see on the link below the Pic with the name: Ogólny widok rośliny Link: http://images.search.yahoo.com/imag...&sigr=11vh86mra&sigi=121c1p818&sigb=126apetp2 It's another specie different from this link for sure. I will keep searching on, I'm going to post some real Photo later on Thanks Paolo
Sigtis is very correct. The plant shown in the first photos is a juvenile form of Philodendron pedatum. The species is extremely variable and is capable of producing many leaf forms.