I was walking through my property, and while I was in the woods I ran across a small patch, of five of these plants. Some help with identification would be fantastic...I'm in the Eau Claire Wisconsin area. :) Thanks
wow! very cool plant! did some googling and found that it's goodyera pubescens was surprised to see that it's in the orchid family!
Yes, it is Goodyera pubescens, a member of the Orchid family. I see it's in a pot - you didn't dig it up, did you? Please do not dig up wild orchids - some are rare enough as it is, without people taking them! I hope you can grow it, or put it back. I realize it's on your property, but still, many of our native orchids are not easy in cultivation.
I dug it up because my mother is good with plants, and I thought she might know what it is...and she can't get around good enough to drag her back into the woods. There's still several others back there. Thanks for the help everybody :)