Are you asking about the plant with the strappy leaves (edited: I said "looks like a fern to me", but clearly I meant palm, not fern) or the aroid plant with the fruit spikes?
Well the first photo is a close up view of the second photo. I will look again to be sure but although tangled the fruit spikes appear to be part of the fern like "strappy leaves" plant.
I checked again and the fruit spikes issue from the plant. Could this be a Carludovica species? Here is a plant that was identified as such I believe on this forum. It also has the split leaves but of course much wider.
Oh-h-h! I forgot all about that, and I posted some photos in that thread at It also has a lots of stray broadleaves growing through it. Here's an internet photo of a very young plant with narrow leaves. Polynesian Produce Stand : BIG JIPIJAPA LIVE Panama Hat Palm Aroid Carludovica GAL ( In January, I hope to remember to visit the plant I photographed.
I've posted some young leaf photos of Carludovica palmata at Anthurium, Philodendron Or? | UBC Botanical Garden Forums. Here is one of them. It was these above, and then this, much higher off the ground. I also did not see small spathes like in the photo in posting #4, and I did see a lot of spathes. This isn't that much help, as it's the only Carludovica I've ever seen, and you are aware that there are others in the running. but I think it indicates that yours is not this species.