Hi, I'm hoping someone will be able to help me on this. I bought a long time ago this little plant at Home Depot. It is now alot bigger than I imagine it would become. I also have no idea what kind it is. It's got very thick green leaves in the shape of a tear drop, with some kind of a yellow liquid inside the leaves. (no it's not a Aloe Vera plant). The branches starts this bright green color and then become brown almost looks like a ginger roots in color and texture. I will try to post a picture. If anyone has any idea please let me know. Thanks.
The leaves looks like the hoya carnosa but the branches are a lot bigger in diameter I will take picture so you can see, it might be easier.
Thank you everyone for your help. Now that I know what kind of plant it is I can take better care of it. Thanks again for all your help Madee