I was given a tuber in the early spring by a friend. He didn't know what it was called. I planted it in a pot and now have a very unique , agressive vine. It has large heart shaped leaves and is climbing every where. Any body have any idea what this may be and will is produce more tubers.
Without a photo, it's hard to say. It could be a type of Dioscorea. (Wild Yam, Chinese Yam, Air Potato, for example) Yes, it probably will produce more tubers. [GOOGLE]Dioscorea[/GOOGLE]
Here is a picture of a vine that was given to me. I grew from a large brown tuber, as you ca see the leaves are very large and it grows very fast. I have it planted in a pot but wonder what to do this winter. Thanks for your help!
Looks like Dioscorea bulbifera, Air Potato. http://home.no.net/thallium/wishlist/Dioscorea%20bulbifera.jpg
3 words....GET RID OF IT.. its a potato vine and they are HORRIBLY INVASIVE.i have been fighting them for years since i move in this house.problem of speading comes ,at least here, is that they produce a fruit that looks like a potato and all the neighbor hood kids cant help but throw them around,lol.they WILL grow where they land and will become bothersome at best.to remove them you have to remove tuber completely.just some advise from near zone as you in central forida.