Plant Identification

Discussion in 'Woody Plants' started by latkins, May 10, 2006.

  1. latkins

    latkins Member

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    vancouver island, canada
    I have new house and now starting landscaping. In order to keep track of all I've put in thus far, I am maintaining a log book with the specific plant/tree/shrub along with a photo and care information. Does anyone know of a good online encyclopedia or plant database that I could source out information on my plants? Just need brief description with photo.
  2. jimmyq

    jimmyq Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada.
    just go to google and type the names in, you will find many resources, some good at the things that others arent.
  3. KarinL

    KarinL Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    It is true that you can find a great deal of plant information on line. However, there is still an enormous value to having a good reference book on hand. A good general reference would be something like the Reader's Digest A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants or (at the other end of the price spectrum) books in the expert series by DG Hessayon - although you'd end up buying a few of these (shrubs, flowering plants, etc) and it would add up.

    The problem with on-line info is that (a) a lot of it is from sites that are trying to sell you the plant, rather than help you take care of it, and (b) the information you get is inconsistent in quantity, quality, and comprehensiveness so it is hard to develop a database that includes parallel information for each plant. It is pretty rare to find a page that gives you precisely the snapshot and summary that you need, and it takes time to cruise the sites to assemble it. Not to mention the rate you'll go through ink if you print the photos.

    The limitation of the books is when you get into rare plants only recently brought into cultivation, or very special stuff that is rarely sold. Then, the internet is the only choice for info, unless you get a special book for each type of plant.

    And to keep a log of plants you have... more than one serious plant collector has faltered under the weight of this task. After several years and several iterations, I have found that a simple diary of gardening activities actually works best for me; it includes not only what plants I've put in but where I've put them and when. Other options include a list of new acquisitions, and sketches of various garden beds.
  4. chowntown

    chowntown Active Member

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    Victoria, BC, Canada
    My best advice is to buy the Western Garden Book published by Sunset - its is a very good investment as it applies to us here on the west coast and addresses common problems experienced by West Coast gardeners. It is also illustrated and put together by a very knowledgable bunch of folks. Last I recall it ran for about $59.99.

    Best of luck!


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