Hey guys, I'm hoping you can assist me ID this plant that popped up in my pot. I have a Bird of Paradise I've been growing for many years, and last summer, I put it outside last august & September (northwest suburb of Philadelphia) to let it get more light than indoors. After bring it back in, I got something else sprouting up. I was assuming it was weed... but...it hasn't produced any seeds or flowers and I know weeds are quick to do that. Also the roots are pretty deep in the pot when I pulled it out once (because I thought it was a weed). But i'm very curious to find out what this is. I don't think it's a weed anymore, but I'm unable to find any pics of similar plants anywhere online... I hope the pictures are sufficient...I can take more if need be. thanks for your help!
CHenopodium you can make salad with it. just boil it with water and salt and put some garlic and vinegar after you remove from the boiled water. it make good for the blood.
Not for the beginning forager with only a leaf to ID. There are somewhat toxic weedy plants that have similar appearance, things in the nightshade family for instance. But yeah, it certainly looks like Chenopodium album. Leaves will be mealy feeling and whiter underneath.