Hi there all, Am new to this website and fairly new to the world of plants. I have a query that i was hoping someone may be able to help me with. I was recently given 3 indoor plants by a neighbour but he didn't know what they are. I have had sevral friends serching and one of them said theyw ere calle devils backbone.I have looked at many pictures on various websites and it doesn't look like what i have. The plants are very distinctive in that round the edges of the leaves little buds grow woth roots trailing down. These then drop into the soil and start to grow. I now have approximately 50 of these plants and was wondering if they would grow to be exactly the same as the parent plants. Sorry to be a bit dimwitted but am new to the plant world. Any help gratefully received. The plants were about 12 inches tall when received 3 months ago and are now about 2 foot . Thanks Tracey
Thank you so much. I have just looked in a book and that is definitely what it is. It's nice to know especially as i have so many now, all my friends and family are getting one!!
The currently accepted name for the plant is Kalanchoe daigremontiana. Here is another thread about it. http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=6765&highlight=daigremontianum And, yes trceyw4180, each plant that forms on the leaves is a genetic clone of the mother plant.
Thank you very much the photos were very interesting. Its amazing that for weeks ive had family and friends trying to find the name of the plants and then as soon as i email here everyone knows. This website is excellent!!!