Can anyone tell me the name of this plant? I have had it for years and I believe it is a tropical plant. It stands about 5 feet tall. No matter what I do, it never seems healthy. The leaves are thin and many have brown spots. Any ideas?
it looks like a draceana. janet craig variety maybe. what kind of soil is it in and what about the container? size, drainage holes, plastic, glazed or unglazed ceramic? how often do you water? from the discoloration of the leaves it seems to be underwatered. could just be rootbound and need repotting. or just might need fresh soil - if nothing has been done with the soil in more than three years, then you need to redo it (and probably go with a larger container as well). the discoloration could be a water issue, though, too. if you use water straight from the tap, that will do it (it's best to let it sit overnight so the excess chlorine dissipates and it's always best to water with room temp water). well water that is too rich in minerals or a water softening system will also cause problems with plants. the normal growth pattern does have the leaves being a bit, that isn't anything to worry about.