I am wondering if anyone can ID this plant, is it a snowberry- Symphoricarpos albus? it looks so healthy and usually when i see them they are a bit bedraggled looking. Also I have one more ID image for a rounded darker hedge, very pretty but don't recognize. I saw this on the microsoft campus in redmond, wa.
Yep, Snowberry. Looks like vigorous coppice regrowth after a heavy pruning last winter, I've only seen lobed leaves like that on strong-growing shoots.
The second is a spirea. And any non-creeping (nearly flat) cultivated Symphoricarpos seen without mature fruits may be one of many garden forms including those with pink, purplish or nearly red ones. 6 garden selections are listed and described by this one supplier alone. http://www.monrovia.com/plant-catalog/search.php?query=symphoricarpos&x=6&y=11