I ordered some Burley Tobacco seeds online for some porch plants, scattered them on the surface of a seed starter box, and the first one to sprout up shot up pretty quickly. I thought at first that a different tobacco plant seed got mixed in (havana?) so I planted it in a plastic cup until it got larger. It quickly outgrew the cup and I put it in a large pot. It grew way faster than the burley tobacco. The burley tobacco plants are about 2 feet tall now, but this thing is already at least 8 feet tall. It is already outgrowing my back porch, and I'm a little concerned with its size. I measured it last night because it hadn't yet hit the balcony on the second floor, so it grows in height of a couple of inches per day. The branches coming off the bottom are also large approximately 3 feet long already. The plant is beautiful, and is very healthy but would like to know what it is before I find a better place for it where it can grow more. This plant is definately from not around here, as I've never seen a wild plant this large. Tell me what it is! If these photos can't do it, I will get better ones tomorrow in the daylight.
Dr--check out pigweed. I hope I'm wrong! Your leaves look a bit different from the form that's common in my garden, but I believe there are several species. It can definitely grow 8ft. and more with good care, supposedly is a sign of good rich soil in a garden) and is a very fast grower as your plant has been. Eventually will produce amaranth like spikes of flowers/seeds.
I think it looks like amaranth as well. It grows wild in your area. Such a weed would attain greater size if grown in rich soil with good care. I have seen them get quite large when conditions were good.