Found this plant as a seedling in my yard last year and potted it out of curiousity. Haven't found it in any of my pacific northwest plant books or identifiers. I don't want to plant anything that might be invasive... It has evil thorns and hair on the stem and under sides of leaves.
Rubus laciniatus - Cutleaf Evergreen Blackberry I believe. Check it out on eflorabc: E-Flora BC Atlas Page
Thank you, I believe you are correct. Oh yes, don't think I will be letting this potential monster loose. I'll be darned if I know how it found its way into my yard, as I haven't seen it around the neighbourhood or local parks. I am curious about the tasty berries though, but don't really want to encourage it spreading. Great! Mystery solved!
This species of blackberry has berries later in the season than the Himalayan Blackberry. The berries are very tasty IMO. I have not seen it growing in the massive one-species stands that the Himalayan blackberry is notorious for in the Pacific Northwest. definitely not something I would let loose in my garden, unless that garden were measured in acres!