Hello, I'm new to this forum, but it looks like I'll use it often. I'm a novice and I appreciate any help. I have just taken a picture of this plant in my yard. For the last month I thought it was a weed, but it looks like it could be a flower. Here's the picture. Any help IDing it would be greate. I live in San Diego County, California. Thanks, Antonio
Tropaeolum is the latin name but most people will call it nasturtium careful with common names as nasturtium is also a latin name for watercress pierrot
Thanks very much. I thought this was a weed, but when it started to flower I sought help. I actually bet my roommate that it was a weed. I'll have to do the yard work this week. :-) Thanks again.
Weeds can be flowers, and flowers can be weeds . . . ;-) The best definition of a weed is a flower growing where you don't want it to grow.
Hi Slamtonio, Another thing worth knowing (other than that is a beautiful flower) is that that plant is completely edible and very tasty. Try eating one of the leaves, it will have a mild peppery taste that will add to a salad. The flowers add a colour to salads too, and the seeds (when they develop) can be dryed and used like black pepper. Michael