Hello. I am very interested in finding a souce for some Anemopsis californica (Yerba Mansa) plants. I am not having any luck finding any place online which sells these. I am asking if anyone may have some of these they can send me or if anyone knows a good affordable source. I am only looking for a few plants for a small water garden I have planted. I currently have Lizard tail & Chameleon plants. Since Yerba Mansa is somewhat related to these, I really would like to try establish a colony. They should grow well, as I am located on the boarder of zones 7 & 8. My Z8 plants do very well here, as long as I take some precautions for winter. If anyone has any info or can help me in any way, I would greatly appreciate at. If anyone does have these to share, I would gladly pay shipping. Let me know and I'll send contact info. Thanks. Vince
Check with: Las Pilitas Nursery Horizon Herbs Happy Frog Aquatics Pond Megastore Arizona Aquatic Gardens
Wow! Super. Thanks for the quick response. I think I came accross Las Pilitas on the web some months ago but they did not have any at that time or didn't post a price...can't recall. I greatly appreciate the help!