can anyone tell me what type of plant this is? the leaves are turning yellow and falling off one by one... not sure if it needs direct sunlight, less watering... any help would be much appreciated!
Rubber Plant Ficus elastica. Very likely over watered. See
thanks sundrop. also - when i repotted the plant, i didnt break up the original soil around the roots ... do you think this has something to do with it too?
I believe it is a good idea to get rid of the old soil when repotting, if possible. It is what I would do. When repotting pack the new soil well around the roots, be careful not to leave any air pockets. I almost never repot my houseplants. I have Ficus benjamina, Asparagus, Hoya, Cacti, growing in the same pots for many years (15-20) and they are doing well. As for watering, I water my houseplants well, usually once a week, but never more often than 5-6 days. Ferns are the only exception to this rule. I water from the top until I see water appearing in the saucer below the plant. I add a few drops of Schultz house plant fertilizer 10-15-10 per 1 litre of water.
i think it is a heliophyte. If the leaves are turning yellow and falling off one by one. maybe is short of sunshine or fertilizer.