plant appears not to be what package said. any idea what it is?

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by lklepoch, Aug 6, 2006.

  1. lklepoch

    lklepoch Member

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    lapeer, Michigan, USA
    I had purchased some wax bean seeds, and one of the packages grew something weird. They are about 8-10 foot tall and have strong stalks ( about 1 - 2.5 inches diameter) and look alot like a sunflower plant. The leaves are very big, bigger than a human hand by far and look like a cross between a sunflower and cucumber leaf. It has some very small yellow flowers near the top of the plant. It produced no beans.... or at least nothing that looks like a bean. It did however recently start producing what appear to be strange seed pods about half way to 3/4 of the way up the stalk. The "pods" are about 1-1.5 inch across and about 1 inch high. They start green but turn pitch black within a short time. The "pods" are what you'd call a starburst shape and have a white fuzz across the top. They also have two little "prongs" at the tip of each section of the pod, of which there are around a dozen radiating from the center. It reminds me of a spider in it's "creepy factor". But I haven't the slightest clue what they are... and they are growing strong in high heat, where most else of my garden has wilted a little despite regular watering. Any help is appreciated and I will take pics soon to post. Thank you.
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti). They sent you a noxious weed. Be sure to inform the supplier of your results.

    The seeds in the packet not being beans was your first hint you got the wrong item, bean seeds are always beans.
  3. lklepoch

    lklepoch Member

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    lapeer, Michigan, USA
    thank you much! I hadn't planted alot of beans in the past and just assumed that they were maybe just seeds I hadn't seen before...I had a feeling they weren't right, I should have gone with my gut on that one. Again, thanx so much!

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