Welcome Kaz it's a prunus of some sort. Are'nt they out early this year. We have had several out here in the hills along with daffodils etc. Crazy winter, there is not one. Did you get the rain in the last couple of days? Liz (Hills)
Looks like Prunus mume. If it leafs out purple later it is liable to be instead its hybrid P. x blireiana. But I see no purple in its stems in this shot.
Liz! Thank you your response and ID: ) They are little bit early this year, winter is very mild and plenty of rain in the last few days. Have seen lovely daffodils too! Greetings, Kaz
Ron, leaves indeed coming out later and purple. Thanks for your ID:) Greetings from Melbourne. Kaz I have attached another photo (made yesterday) of that beautiful tree.