Re: Updated: PINK DOGWOOD TREES IN WICHITA,KS Trying To Figure Out If Pink Dogwoods Will Growing In Wichta,ks Without Lots Of Protection,i Can Grow On The East Or South Side Of House? WE HAVE LOTS OF CLAY SOIL,ON THE EAST SIDE I CAN PLANT ON A SMALL HILL,IF THAT HELPS RIGHT IN FRONT OF HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't tell you about growing Dogwoods in your climate, since I'm only familiar with my own zone 8 climate. I can suggest, however, that you take a look around at other gardens in your area (both public and private) to see if they are successfully grown there, and under what conditions. You may also wish to inquire at local nurseries about the suitability for growing in your area. The good news is that even if they prove not to be the best choice, there are always many other wonderful possibilities to choose from. Good luck.