pink dogwood dropping sap

Discussion in 'Cornus (dogwoods)' started by Jeanette Thomas, Apr 20, 2005.

  1. Jeanette Thomas

    Jeanette Thomas Member

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    Baltimore, Maryland
    I'm new to this website. I have a pink dogwood about 30 years old. This year it has started dropping quite a bit of brown sticky sap. This is the first time I remember this happening. In the last 5 years I've been trimming a lot of dead wood off tree and have flowers opening now on maybe half the branches. The squirrels give it quite a hard time and in the Fall attack the red berries.
    Does anyone have any ideas what's happening? I'll be devastated if it's on the way out.
  2. Newt

    Newt Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Maryland USA zone 7
    Hi Jeanette,

    Or should I say 'Howdy neighbor' as I live in Columbia, not far from you. Sorry to hear about your dogwood. A few things that come to mind are clearwing borers, ambrosia beetles or dogwood anthracnose. This site at University of Maryland can be quite helpful. Click on 'Shade Trees' on the left and go from there.

    Let us know if any of these fit.

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