Pink and yellow cassias but exactly which ones? First two images are of cassia - pink variety. When I searched I find it close to Cassia Bakerina. Or is it Cassia javanica? Flower colour light pink. When in bloom the tree had almost no leaves or at least it seemed so. Amidst all info on net as to very difficult propagation by cutting; I did pick up a cutting in hope to propagate and it did within a month! So excited! I hope it can be identified via stem which has these white bumps/dots (perhaps inverted thorns) and with leaves. Last 3 images are of yellow cassia again but how do I know which exact one. Is it cassia fistula? If it seems C fistula how can I investigate further to be absolutely sure? Thanks.
Perhaps pink cassia is not cassia but Gliricidia sepium. But I still need help with yellow cassia! Anybody......