Does anyone have a source for pine fines they could recommend for me here in the states? I once bought a small bag online from some bonsai source, I believe it was called something like Bonsai Jack, and they were great. Perfect size and seemingly great quality. But I have far more trees now, and the bag was so little and pretty expensive. I’ve found a few bags at relatively local garden centers, but the quality is far from bonsai jack, which is to be expected as they are much cheaper. Anyone have a go-to? Kyle
Hi Kyle. If you don't mind me asking are you using for bonsai, potted maples, etc? I normally buy pine bark mulch from a local nursery. They get it shipped from the south. I sift it myself to get the desired particles size for my bonsai mix. Whats left I use for my maples and other plants. This is much more cost efficient for me due to the amount of trees and plants I use the bark for. I'm surprise it's not easy to fine where you are from. Bonsai Jack Pine Bark Fines – Bonsai Jack © Sifter Bonsai Soil Sieve Set
@kgeezy20, good morning Kyle, I know this is the UK but I use Melcourt Horticultural propogating bark for all my pots. This link is just to show what I use as it might help you purchase the right one in the US. Melcourt Mature Pine Propagating Bark 60lt | AK Kin Garden Supplies
I use I use this too. I mix it with Ericaceous compost and potting grit. I would use the compost and bark alone in larger, heavier pots, but I like the weight that the grit gives the smaller potted maples. It helps keep them the right way up in windy weather.
@kgeezy20 Kyle, I thought I would just add a photo of mine so you can see how fine it is for pots. This is the grade you should be looking for.
That looks pretty good @Acerholic. I have found it difficult here in the NE US to find good growing medium for my maples. Luckily when I was lived in Connecticut I find a nursery that sold pine bark mulch the comes from a company in the Carolinas. I love it and the trees love it. I hate the shredded stuff that's sold everywhere! Now I live in Rhode Island, I drive 1:40 mins to the nursery that have what I need. What I do for my plants!
@LoverOfMaples, good evening D, yes it's quite good, but it's so expensive. 60Ltrs costs me £24 including delivery as I cannot get it anywhere near me. I suppose that's about $30 in your money. Very expensive if you have a lot of pots. Bet Luke @Luke’s Maples has to buy a few bags for all his pots. Good to see a photo of yours for comparison also. Hope it all helps Kyle @kgeezy20 and others of course.
Hey D. Yes that's expensive. Luckily mine is about $7 us. The down side for me is I have a little over 3 hr drive for mine. I think with all of this great info @kgeezy20 will come up with something that works.
@LoverOfMaples, that's about £5 a bag, well worth the drive D. Agreed, hopefully Kyle will come up with something now.
For “compost” are you meaning like actual compost that you can purchase bags of at most box stores, or do you mean like peat moss? I usually use a bit of peat moss but honestly I’d like to get away from using it.
@kgeezy20, good morning Kyle, I use a good compost ,bark and horticultural grade grit. It is NOT the compost that you might use for hanging baskets that only has enough goodness in for 8 weeks. In the UK this is called John Innes no 3. If you Google it you will be able to get the US version. I am the same I use a bit of peat but am also trying to get away from using this. Have a look at the link to enable you to see different types for comparison. John Innes potting compost
Good morning. Yes I have had a good couple of bags of that over the last year. I have been looking for an alternative but not having much luck. I also use peat moss but it is becoming harder to source, which I guess is a good thing? I’m not sure if it is any better than ericaceous compost? I bought some John Innes ericaceous last time which had a very loamy, sandy feel to it. I would happily use that again. @LoverOfMaples the stuff you are using looks spot on. It has some nice chunks along with some finer grader material - well worth the drive as D said! Great price too.
@Mani, a little Ericaceuos compost. I really prefer peat, but it's not the done thing these days. I use perlite to help aeration as well. Quite paranoid about this, lol.