I have a double pigmy date palm that was planted in April, 2006. One side is doing well and the other is not. It was suggested that I give it more water, which caused the good side to do even better, but the poor side has not change. Any suggestions?
What's happening to the "poor side"? Just not growing, or does there appear to be a serious problem developing?
I went to a nursery today and they said I had "crown rot". I took a couple of dead fronds that came from the center of the tree. Do you have any idea if there is something I can do? There are quite a few live fronds on the tree.
Crown rot is serious and often fatal. Did the center leaves pull away when you gave them a tug? Fugicide applied to the growth point down inside the emerging leaves may be your only hope. It really depends on how advanced this is. Keep the center growth point dry until you can make a determination. If the rot has desended into the crown far enough, it's finished. These are beatiful palms and it would be a shame to lose one. Cheers, LPN.