Does anyone recognize these green critters on my Japanese pieris? It may be obvious to some, but keep in mind that I am a novice. Recommendedations for treatment would be appreciated. Thanks, Jim
Green aphids and first attack can be a strong spray from the garden hose or a soapy based bug killer.
Hello, I have the same problem. these are aphids... i have wee green ones on the top of my peris jamponica, yesterday i also noticed some white and black ones farther in.. Yikes.. i want to nip this in the bud before it get out of control! I've heard a spray of soap and water will do the trick and will try it out this morning... i think you could get rid of them with a powerful spray from a graden hose but i live in an apartment so that not an option.... soap and water it is then for me! Good luck!
Thanks, Paul. Since I don't have kids or pets, I decided to go nuclear and spray them with an insectide. They appear to be gone already. -Jim