No, it is not a Ferocactus. I am not sure of what it is, but it could be a Coleocephalocereus goebelianus, they look like that and they have been grown in large numbers.
I think mandarin is right,it has the same spines,im 99% sure that it is Coleocephalocereus goebelianus.Does enybody now how old they must be to flower and their light requirements?Zhank you mandarin...
It is one of the cacti that grows a cephalium, but on the side. Mine is 20-25 cm tall but has not started on the cephalium yet. I am afraid I don't know how old they must be before that happens. Another similarity to Melocactus is that it doesn't like low temperatures, escpecially not in combination with water. I have not tested that much, mine is still alive. I keep my plant in a spot where it recieves direct light for only a few hours a day, mainly because I have nowhere else to put it. I was afraid that it should be etioliated, but it has been doing well so far.
I have a new one,this time it is mammillaria but i dont now wich one.I hope you can help me with this one...
I dont have camera,so i took this picture from internet site of company that i bought this cactus from.Unfortunately i cant get better picture.Spines are like those that i drawed and a whole plant is light green color.I hope this helps...
I am definitely not an expert on Mammillaria, I recognize about two dozens of the several hundred varieties, and from such a small picture ... M. duoformis? erythrosperma? fittkaui? What is really frustrating is that I once had a plant like that, but I have not recorded the name. Are the tubercles soft and flexible?
Yes tubercles are flexible.Hooked spines are ligt brown color,and those around it are white.The spaces betwen tubercles are very light green,almost white...