In this cold, wet, and rainy time of the year I find myself dreaming of the more Southernly locations that grow fantastic palms. Afterall, this is why we do what we do, isn't it? To recreate that tropical feeling... Here are a few pictures of great palms/plants from my last tropical trip to Eleuthera and Long Island, Bahamas. The first two are Bismarkia nobilis, the third is of seldomly seen Sabal bermudana (which I brought back a sedling!), and the last two of unknown agave and a SUPERSIZED ficus. Has anyone tried germinating seed from a Bismarkia and growing in a pot successfully? Any one else have some pictures of tropical palms to share?
Impressive pics! I think any I have are hard copies, and my scanner is acting up. Although I do have these ... Cheers, LPN.