picking moss

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by Unregistered, Feb 21, 2005.

  1. Is it possible to pick the right kind of moss in the lower mainland for resale in garden centres? What time of year do they start buying? thanks in advance

  2. I use to pick moss out in the Chilliwack forest disctict, and use to resell it to various stores around the chilliwack area. Now for the rules I went to the chilliwack forest district and ask them what i can and cannot do. they basicly told me that i am not allow to pick moss off of crown land in certian areas of the chilliwack river valley. Now i dont know about where you live but try going down to the forest office in your location and ask about rules and regulations and when you are allowed to pick it im sure they will be happy to help you once they can find the paper work on it lol


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